2024-10-13 16:29:39 +02:00

897 B


Important comands

Comand for build options of the projeckt
make menuconfig

Comand for flashing
make flash

Comand for showing the serial monitor
make monitor

Connection error

If you get the error [Errno 2] you propiply dident conneckt the microcontrorloer or hav the wrong tty selectet. to select the right tty use comand make menuconfig and then go to serial flasher config -> Default serial port then change to the right port

Sensor isshus

if the out put of the sensor is atound 80° you have a power conection ishue.
if you got the output around -127° sense wire not conectet.

Compiling errors

when the temp input is non it mid be a compyling error caude by a falty sdk configuration
so use the command make menuconfig to chaing the following settings
Component config -> newlib -> disable nano formatting