{ pkgs, ... }: { services = { xserver = { enable = true; libinput.enable = true; displayManager.sddm = { enable = true; enableHidpi = true; }; desktopManager.plasma5 = { enable = true; useQtScaling = true; }; }; openssh = { enable = true; ports = [ 22 ]; openFirewall = true; allowSFTP = true; settings = { X11forwarding = true; PermitRootLogin = "no"; passwordAuthentication = true; kbdInteractiveAuthentication = true; }; }; }; programs.kdeconnect = { enable = true; package = pkgs.plasma5Packages.kdeconnect-kde; }; xdg = { sounds.enable = true; mime.enable = true; menus.enable = true; icons.enable = true; autostart.enable = true; portal = { enable = true; extraPortals = with pkgs; [ xdg-desktop-portal ]; }; }; i18n = { defaultLocale = "en_NZ.UTF-8"; extraLocaleSettings = { LC_ADDRESS = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_IDENTIFICATION = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_MEASUREMENT = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_MONETARY = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_NAME = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_NUMERIC = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_PAPER = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_TELEPHONE = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_TIME = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_CTYPE = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_COLLATE = "de_DE.UTF-8"; LC_MESSAGES = "en_NZ.UTF-8"; }; }; hardware.steam-hardware.enable = true; programs.steam = { enable = true; remotePlay.openFirewall = true; dedicatedServer.openFirewall = true; }; environment.variables = { # Enable icons in tooling since we have nerdfonts. LOG_ICONS = "true"; }; fonts.fontDir.enable = true; nix = { settings = { substituters = [ "https://cache.nixos.org" "https://nix-community.cachix.org" "https://prismlauncher.cachix.org" "https://nixos-search.cachix.org" ]; trusted-public-keys = [ "cache.nixos.org-1:6NCHdD59X431o0gWypbMrAURkbJ16ZPMQFGspcDShjY=" "nix-community.cachix.org-1:mB9FSh9qf2dCimDSUo8Zy7bkq5CX+/rkCWyvRCYg3Fs=" "prismlauncher.cachix.org-1:GhJfjdP1RFKtFSH3gXTIQCvZwsb2cioisOf91y/bK0w=" "nixos-search.cachix.org-1:1HV3YF8az4fywnH+pAd+CXFEdpTXtv9WpoivPi+H70o=" ]; trusted-users = [ "root" ]; sandbox = true; require-sigs = true; max-jobs = "auto"; auto-optimise-store = true; allowed-users = [ "*" ]; experimental-features = [ "nix-command" "flakes" ]; warn-dirty = false; }; # flake-utils-plus generateRegistryFromInputs = true; generateNixPathFromInputs = true; linkInputs = true; }; security.rtkit.enable = true; hardware.bluetooth.enable = true; hardware.bluetooth.powerOnBoot = true; services.pipewire = { enable = true; alsa = { enable = true; support32Bit = true; }; pulse.enable = true; jack.enable = true; wireplumber.enable = true; }; hardware.pulseaudio.enable = mkForce false; environment.systemPackages = with pkgs; [ sshfs deploy-rs nixfmt nix-index nix-prefetch-git nixpkgs-review nurl nix-init ]; services.hardware.openrgb.enable = true; services.printing = { enable = true; webInterface = true; drivers = with pkgs; [ hplipWithPlugin ]; }; hardware = { sane = { enable = true; extraBackends = with pkgs; [ sane-airscan hplipWithPlugin ]; }; }; services.avahi = { enable = true; nssmdns = true; openFirewall = true; }; users.users.jopejoe1 = { isNormalUser = true; description = "jopejoe1 🚫"; initialPassword = "password"; packages = with pkgs; [ git kate libsForQt5.ark libreoffice-qt texlive.combined.scheme-full tela-icon-theme ]; openssh.authorizedKeys.keys = [ "ssh-rsa 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 jopejoe1@yokai" ]; }; }