#include "apple.h" int app_main() { //fill struct struct appledata send; getmac(send.mac) ; send.upTime = getUpTime(); send.temp = getTemp(); send.battaryVoltage = 3.3; printf("%.4f",send.temp); //end func return 0; } void getmac(uint8_t *buf){ // Get MAC address of the WiFi station interface esp_read_mac(buf, ESP_MAC_WIFI_STA); } int getUpTime(){ int uptime = (xTaskGetTickCount() * (1000/configTICK_RATE_HZ)); return uptime; } float getTemp() { float temp = 0; // Create variable for handler ds18b20_handler_t sensor; // Check for any initialization failures if (!ds18b20_init(&sensor, GPIO_NUM_2, TEMP_RES_12_BIT)) { ESP_LOGE("TAG", "Failed to initalize DS18B20!"); return 0; // Exit } //Print temperature with 4 decimal places // (12 bit resolution measurement accuracy is 0.0625 Celsius) //ESP_LOGI("TAG", "Temperature = %.4f", temp); // Initalize conversion ds18b20_convert_temp(&sensor); temp = ds18b20_read_temp(&sensor); return temp; }